100 Percent Increase In Sales

“I first began working with Brett Williams of RESPONSE Marketing Solutions around the time I started working in as a Display Advertising Sales Consultant. Our focus was on developing our media products and services, our media kit and our magazine display sales process.

Over a period of 3 months, Brett worked with me to develop 9 new media marketing products. We created a new media kit to explain these services and created a consultative sales process that helped us to develop an “Integrated Media Marketing Program” for our clients. Our media company  no longer sells advertising products, we now provide integrated marketing solutions tailored to the client's needs, with services that meet both the branding and direct marketing objectives of the client's business.

I was fortunate to be one of the first Media Marketing Consultants (that's our new title) to start selling using this approach. I'm passionate about the media kit and the new products because I see the excitement with the clients when I show them how we have customised an integrated media marketing program to help grow their business. Not only are they excited, but this selling system makes it so easy to sell, clients just love the fact that we are actually focused on their bottom line. The program sells itself, it's just brilliant.

Essentially, we've gone from selling singular products to providing a packaged solution, and in the process of doing it we've improved the conversion rate and have substantially improved the average value of each contract. Historically the maximum contract we would get would be about $18000 for a year, now I'm selling $30000-$40000 packages with the same effort and doing it with the clients thanking me. With our new closing strategy we're also turning the sale around within a week, where as in the past it might take 1 to 2 months.

The outcome of this new sales process has been amazing. Since using this system, my sales conversion rate from appointments is now 75%! I'm over the moon about the whole sales program and the results we've achieved.”

Karen Nelley, Media Marketing Consultant, Perth Media Company